Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Three Questions With... Marny Lifshen

As part of Leadership America's mission to bring new and innovative information to women's leaders, we are starting the Three Questions With Series. Each week we will focus on a topic that is important to be apprised of as a women leader.

This week's debut topic is networking! You are probably thinking two things right now: "UGH, networking!!!" or "What could I possibly need to know about networking, you go, you talk, you drink wine." Well ladies, whether you love it or hate it, networking is an integral part of a leader's responsibilities and Marny Lifshen was kind of enough to give Leadership America time last week to discuss a few tips to networking. Marny is the co-author of Some Assembly Required: A Guide to Networking for Women, a guide that is packed with useful tips, creative techniques and real-world stories that are relevant for women today.

Marny is an Austin-based marketing communication consultant, author and speaker with more than 18 years of experience. Marny specializes in professional services marketing and public relations. She also regularly contributes articles and columns to many print and online publications on networking. Marny is an experienced speaker, and specifically addresses women's organizations and conferences across the country on the topic of networking and building a personal brand.

Below is the video of our inaugural Three Questions With Series.

Thank you w2wlink for inviting me to speak with Marny. If you would like to find out more about Marny Lifshen and Some Assembly Required: A Guide to Networking for Women, visit

Please feel free to comment about topics you would like us to discuss and always visit for information on our 2009 Sessions!

Make sure you check back each week for the a new topic.

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